Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thoughtful neighbors, more blossoms, books and little Nellie

Our neighborhood seems to have little libraries on every block. And little libraries are a great way to share books and the love of reading. But how many little libraries have a reading area set aside for passersby? Just one that I know of. Some fantastic people decided to create a rest stop for walkers on their street.

Speaking of little libraries, most are house shaped and not particularly remarkable. Except for this one. It has glitter all over it. And it's purple. Now that's fun.

Speaking of fun, two more examples of Ms. A's wonderful mosaic work:

Some more beautiful blossoms:

Haven't a clue what they are, and after cosseting one extremely anxious dog for the last 3 days, I'm too tired to look things up. But Nellie is doing her best to settle in and after her bath today, she looks shiny and fluffy, and more importantly, smells good. She is such a dear and tries so hard. We'll all be happy families soon enough.


  1. Google lensed the red and I think it's parrot beak (fitting name). The other is cosmos. Love the little libraries. We have them in Bellingham, too.
