Monday, April 5, 2021

Whoa Nellie!

Well ... I've been thinking about adopting another doggo for awhile now and today was the fateful meetup. I'd been perusing (OK - stalking) the Humane Society's website for months looking for just the right dog. COVID has made things very difficult because you can no longer walk through the kennels in person. It's MUCH harder to pick out a soul-mate with just a picture.

I was totally enamored of one little terrier mix who had the biggest smile ever, but when I finally got the phone appointment, it turned out he was mysteriously no longer available. I had noticed another dog's photo at the same time, and was curious what she might look like under all the hair. I suspected she would be very cute. And was I ever right.

Long suffering partner and I went to our appointment for a meet and greet and the second she walked in we were smitten. We also knew it was going to take an eternity of patience because she was EXTREMELY stressed and shy. We could tell she was sweet, but clearly freaked out about being in doggie jail.

She's a Polish Lowland Sheepdog - which I didn't even know existed, but there you are. She could stand to lose a little weight (like me) and she's around 8 years old. She was picked up as a stray, and is head shy, but we've already managed to get her over that a bit. Kuma is being a jackass, so we are keeping them separated until I can get the trainer in. I hope to goodness he calls us tomorrow! But good news, I just got her to settle on the dog bed in the office and she even rolled over a bit to let me rub her belly - so that means she's a little teensy bit more trusting.

We've decided to call her Nellie - as in Nervous Nellie - because she is a bundle of nervous energy. Poor thing can't stop panting and whining a bit.

And here she is in her brand new harness and bandana (better pictures later):




  1. Oh my gosh, Nellie is adorable! Congratulations on your family addition.

  2. She is super cute 🥰 definitely have to keep her❤️

  3. Congrats to all of you! She is adorable!
