Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Now we have a monkey baby...

The Divine Ms. M really knows how to make a dog (and a person happy). I guess Christmas in July is actually a thing, because she gave a stuffed monkey to Nellie as a nice-to-meet-you-gift. Nellie wasn't all that impressed, but I figured when we got home and she was in more familiar surroundings (it was her first outing at a cafĂ©), she'd be more receptive. Well, once we were home, I placed the monkey on the bed while I did a couple of things, and Kuma, my big bear, came over and rested his head on the bed, very near the toy, but resisted taking it. So I offered it to Nellie again. She walked away. Kuma looked wistful, and knowing his propensity to tear things apart, I was a bit reluctant to let him have it. 

Just when you think you know your dogs, the unexpected happens. Kuma very gently took the monkey and wandered around as if he were tending to a baby. He even fell asleep with the monkey by his side. When it was time to go for his afternoon walk, he wanted to stay with his new friend. He hasn't let it out of his sight all afternoon and evening. My fear is that this forebodes a meteor strike in the next day or two because I can't think of any other reason for this completely new behavior. But he is so darn cute with it:

And thus endeth a perfect day. Next up, The Divine Ms. M strikes again with a gift that has put one of my pet peeves to rest. That will be the subject of another post.

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