Saturday, July 24, 2021

When it should take 5 minutes...

So...have you ever had that project that should take five minutes and it ends up becoming a thing that drives you slightly nuts? Well, that was today's adventure. I needed to hang something on my backyard wall and on the wall leading up to the front door. Started with with backyard project as a test for the more important hanging in front. And thank Steve, the God of Amiable Fuck Ups, I did. Drilling into stucco or cinder block is a bit different than drilling into good old wood. It took a couple of tries to get the right angle and size screw and...well, you get the idea. Finally success. 

So on to the the main project. I've had this wonderful frog welcome tile, purchased 15 years ago at the Adamson House in Malibu (if you haven't been, look it up -- it's amazing). The day I bought it, I knew exactly where it was going to go and and what would go around it. Yeah, that didn't happen. Then I had the bright idea of hanging it on the way up the front stairs. Et, voilá:

 Makes you smile doesn't she?

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