Sunday, October 11, 2015

First Thoughts

It's become a case of retirement looking better every day. Work, which was very satisfying and rewarding in multiple ways, has become increasingly intolerable. Which is not uncommon when new management sweeps in and immediately starts to fix things that aren't broken. Admittedly, my impatience with those who wish to have the benefits and privileges of being professionals without the corresponding effort (like work) has started to pall. Big time. So here I am, cranky and figuring out how to disengage and very much looking forward to attending to my small house and large property in drought-stricken SoCal. Spending the day with my partner-in-crime, my dogs, and wild critters I've managed to attract with food and, more critically, water. Having the time to try and realize my vision, such as it is, for making an oasis on an otherwise unassuming block in an unassuming neighborhood. 

When we moved to SoCal, it was like moving to a different country after spending so many years in San Francisco. The climate wasn't the only change. It was City to suburbs, walking everywhere or taking a bus to driving everywhere. From small apartment in a vibrant neighborhood to broken down house on a large lot. At the time it was a great adventure and the sad property only meant scope for restoration and loving creativity. While it is still an adventure, it's harder to achieve as age takes it's toll with breaking down bodies and loss of income. And so it begins as my adulthood began - trying to get along on next to nothing and doing it as artistically and gracefully as possible. My lifelong ambition of leaving a light footprint on the earth is even more important now. Up-cycling, recycling, repurposing and reusing are paramount. Let's see how well we can do as we move forward.

From lawn required by the City to.....
Tearing out the lawn encouraged by the County

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