Saturday, October 31, 2015

Murphy's Law and Other Insights

Murphy had many laws - the most famous of which is, "If something can go wrong, it will." In my case it's more like, "If something can take far longer than it should, it will." So my grand plan of installing the - I hesitate to say art piece - main attraction in the front yard by the end of my vacation is one of those Murphy's law things. Then again, it's frustrating when there are so many projects beckoning, and one wants so badly to finish them. Many good things were accomplished, so that's satisfying, but it would have been better to get a few more items completely ticked off the old TO DO list. The other thing is my version of ADHD. As I walk around the (very extended) neighborhood, I can't help but get excited by some new garden plan or decoration. Having just discovered Pinterest, that also make for more distractions from actually working. Now, realizing that some projects were false starts and having to back-track wasted a bit of time, I don't count that as slacking off. After all, how do you know if you don't try? 

Found another couple of gardens and garden elements I really like. 

This home was mostly boring lawn and then there were these little areas that had cute vignettes. 

The next garden is almost Japanese in feel with slight terracing and plants that  have simple architectural shapes.

The last pictures are my solution to a very boring cracked footpath leading to the house. I didn't like the straight shot to the steps and wanted a sexier curve. I also wanted to use up some stray paving stones, brick and rocks I had managed to scavenge - legally and with permission from owners people. Keep it nice.


  1. I love the footpath you created. The combination of pavers, rocks and bricks is both artistic and rustic.

  2. Thank you for the feedback. Just using what I had around the house.
