Sunday, October 25, 2015

Some You Win, Some You Lose

Yesterday was a whirlwind of washing and cutting more bottles, because I had a notion - 2 really - to do something fun. I thought to replace a brick border with various sizes of wine bottles and create our initials in bottles in another area. Since these notions came in a dream at nap time, it had to be very clever right? Well....

The replacement for the brick border (and thank goodness I chose a very short area to experiment in) was a disaster. Not only were the bottles too wonky, but the soil in that area is so rocky and full of clay, the bottles didn't want to screw in firmly. After struggling for almost an hour, I gave up and returned the brick border.

As for the initials  - well, nap time dreams will be treated with great skepticism in future. It wasn't all a washout though. I did come up with another idea that may just work and still look very arty.

The beer bottle border around the one flower bed did come out nicely once completed, and that made the whole day worth it.

Though things still look very raw, after three hours of whacking away at the thatch area on the other side of the yard, things are proceeding. Never as fast as I'd like, of course, but proceeding. Only one week left for vacation and still so much to do. Yikes!


  1. I love the bottle border project and the use of serious tools.

  2. I love the bottle border project and the use of serious tools.
