Friday, October 16, 2015

Half the lawn is done and gone

Today saw the completion of the half of the lawn that remained somewhat green. Done. Finis. Loose soil awaiting some inspirational something and I still don't have a clue.

So on to the pure thatch and rocky dirt like concrete. The side that will host the architectural piece I mentioned before. With a determined gleam in my eye, I took bucket, kneeling pad, gloves and my handy tool to begin. That lasted all of half an hour. Mind you, I had been slugging it out with the other side of the lawn for over 2 hours. So I was already pretty tired. But still. And the worst part is - it looks done from a distance. My other excuse for not going as quickly as I'd like is that both yard waste bins will have so much stuff in them, they'll be too heavy to move in another day. Yeah, that's the story. 

And now on to my cranky rant. We're in a drought people! Watering your lawn TWICE a day, EVERY day, is not only not allowed by the City/County/State, but it's not allowed by any thinking person in a major drought. So yes, I called the Water Hotline to report said malfeasance for the third time. (Told you - cranky little old lady). Now I understand that the first visit is educational, and the second visit may be more of the same, but by the third time, I'm thinking they should be made to tear out a neighbor's former lawn that is currently pure thatch in rocky concrete-like soil. That'll teach 'em.

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