Thursday, May 13, 2021

Frogs on guard

When Nellie and I set out today, I allowed her to lead the way and I'm so glad I did. She decided to to go UP a street we usually walk down. OK - interesting choice. Then she took a sharp left and we were on a short street that had some eye-popping yards. My favorite was a house with guard frogs -- well that's what it seemed like from the way they were placed at the entrance to the home. Now I have a real fondness for frogs - both living and statuary - so I had to share:

In addition to the wonderful sculptures, that block had a garden that was a vision in purple:

And not to brag, but my garden is no slouch in the purple department:

But back to the fun street, one of the most vivid hibiscus blossoms I've ever seen:

On our next walk, Nellie should lead the way again. She seems to have an eye for fun stuff and wonderful gardens. Or maybe she just wanted to explore a new street. Whatever - it's all good.

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