Thursday, May 20, 2021

Hollyhocks swaying in the breeze

Another walk, another blossom catches my eye. This time, hollyhocks. From pale to vivid. So naturally I have to stop and take photos. Nellie and I walk on a couple of houses down, and there's a man standing in the yard with a beautiful Belgian Malinois. Of course we have to stop and do the dog greet and meet. The man then tells me that the hollyhock seeds are in the little pods on the plants and all you have to do is pinch them off and then sow them. "Well," I demur, "I don't pinch anything from a garden without permission first." And then he says, "I give you permission. I live there." Turns out he was politely stepping aside for us to go by before returning home with his beautiful fur baby. This is the wonderful neighborhood we live in! 

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