Saturday, May 15, 2021

Peahen on patrol

The last couple of days have been a bit traumatic. Kuma, our big bear (who now looks more like an elegant wolf), has had an attack of vestibular syndrome. We're not able to see our vet until Monday (booked solid), but we have instructions for how to make him comfortable until then. It's already been a long couple of sleepless nights and round-the-clock nursing. 

Life goes on, though, and as I headed out to the Critter Café to feed my squirrels and birds, imagine my astonishment when I saw a magnificent peahen standing right in front of me. But here's where it got really interesting: when I spoke to her and moved to place the walnuts in their dish, she actually came toward me. Wasn't fearful in the slightest. In fact, she seemed curious about today's menu. Mind you, wild peacocks and peahens are nothing new to the area, but NEVER in my yard. This is a first. Now you're thinking that she should adopt me and make me a slave to her every need. But no -- been there and tragically done that with Ninja. She is welcome, that goes without saying, but I hope she re-joins her friends wherever they may be and stays safe with her ostentation (which is a group of the clearly show-off birds). So here she is in all her glory:

1 comment:

  1. She I beautiful and very smart to find your yard. Good eatin'! Hope she stays safe!
