Monday, May 17, 2021

Mosaic sunburst and bursts of color

This house has been on my radar for years. It's an amazing mosaic on the side wall of the house and today I did something I wouldn't ordinarily do - trespassed on the driveway to get the shot. The colors are so vibrant and the design a bit more complex than some with the layered approach. On a gloomy day, this is truly a burst of sunshine:

What prompted me to trespass was actually a garden on another street. The colors reminded me of the mosaic so of course a picture is in order:

Someone has suggested I have an unnatural fascination with gardens. To that I say...well maybe. It's just I'm always fascinated by what people can do with the space they have. Some prefer letting it go to weeds. Others like to go with native plants as much possible, while others go for a mix. And some persist in pretending we're in England and have luscious lawns and typical English gardens. But whatever the look, they all have something of interest. Okay, okay, I do have an unnatural interest in gardens. At least it's not an unnatural interest in atomic bombs or something!

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