Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Wondering how this is a thing...

Have no idea how or why this came to be in a front yard, but it was too good to resist getting a snap. Why yes, it's a 15 or 20 foot crane. It's taller than the house behind it. And it's purpose, other than to make passersby wonder what the Sam Hill it's there for, is not apparent. Just had to share....

Though that was not the only wondrous thing on our walk today. There was a perfect magnolia blossom -- the only one on the entire tree -- and its unblemished beauty had to be shared:

Saturday, July 24, 2021

When it should take 5 minutes...

So...have you ever had that project that should take five minutes and it ends up becoming a thing that drives you slightly nuts? Well, that was today's adventure. I needed to hang something on my backyard wall and on the wall leading up to the front door. Started with with backyard project as a test for the more important hanging in front. And thank Steve, the God of Amiable Fuck Ups, I did. Drilling into stucco or cinder block is a bit different than drilling into good old wood. It took a couple of tries to get the right angle and size screw and...well, you get the idea. Finally success. 

So on to the the main project. I've had this wonderful frog welcome tile, purchased 15 years ago at the Adamson House in Malibu (if you haven't been, look it up -- it's amazing). The day I bought it, I knew exactly where it was going to go and and what would go around it. Yeah, that didn't happen. Then I had the bright idea of hanging it on the way up the front stairs. Et, voilá:

 Makes you smile doesn't she?

Friday, July 16, 2021

The Divine Ms. M strikes again...

My post about lightweight, kink-free hoses that don't work caught The Divine Ms. M's attention and she solved it. Doing her Christmas in July thing (at the same time she gave Kuma his new monkey), she gave me a hose to try. It actually works! The water pressure is a smidgen less forceful than the awful hoses I've been using, but close enough. For the icing on the cake, the nozzle that comes with it is truly wonderful. Those who want to give it a try -- it's TheFitLife Flexible Metal Garden Hose. She also mentioned that if you order through, charities of your choice will get a small donation without affecting your purchase price. Win-win.

But The Divine Ms. M didn't stop there to solve an even peskier problem than kinking, heavy hoses. This problem is far more grave. 

I'm a new convert to Louise Penny's Armand Gamache mystery series. Totally and completely hooked. I also really like reading on my tablet through the Libby app libraries use. Especially during lock-down, with closed libraries, Libby circumvents the problem very neatly. A series as popular as it is, even with hold times being ridiculously long, I had hopes it would be easy to access. Imagine my surprise and dismay when I realized the entire series was not online! How could that be? My go-to library is ENORMOUS. Surely they would be well-stocked. NO. Of the 16 and counting books in the series, they only have around six. Others are audio-books, but I prefer reading. So naturally I complained. Loudly. And naturally, Ms. M came through. She is letting me borrow her hard-copies so I don't have a fit. It is always good to have friends, but even better to have friends who understand reading obsessions. As she wisely says, "it's not hoarding if it's books."

Well said Ms. M, well said.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Now we have a monkey baby...

The Divine Ms. M really knows how to make a dog (and a person happy). I guess Christmas in July is actually a thing, because she gave a stuffed monkey to Nellie as a nice-to-meet-you-gift. Nellie wasn't all that impressed, but I figured when we got home and she was in more familiar surroundings (it was her first outing at a cafĂ©), she'd be more receptive. Well, once we were home, I placed the monkey on the bed while I did a couple of things, and Kuma, my big bear, came over and rested his head on the bed, very near the toy, but resisted taking it. So I offered it to Nellie again. She walked away. Kuma looked wistful, and knowing his propensity to tear things apart, I was a bit reluctant to let him have it. 

Just when you think you know your dogs, the unexpected happens. Kuma very gently took the monkey and wandered around as if he were tending to a baby. He even fell asleep with the monkey by his side. When it was time to go for his afternoon walk, he wanted to stay with his new friend. He hasn't let it out of his sight all afternoon and evening. My fear is that this forebodes a meteor strike in the next day or two because I can't think of any other reason for this completely new behavior. But he is so darn cute with it:

And thus endeth a perfect day. Next up, The Divine Ms. M strikes again with a gift that has put one of my pet peeves to rest. That will be the subject of another post.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Entitled neighbors

As an animal lover (or fanatic if you talk to neighbors), and especially a dog connoisseur, one of the things I appreciate about my neighborhood are the amazing people (and dogs) I get to meet. Turns out, some of them are very particular in their preferences. You remember Nick (who is the cutest thing on four legs anywhere):

Well Nick's Mom is not only a wonderful all-round person, but she is also very droll. This is a text exchange we had not long ago:

I noticed the absence of a basket for Nick to ride with you on your bike. What does he have to say about that?!?      

Nick objects anytime I leave the house without him, so the lack of a basket has been a source of contention between us. I'm thinking I need one of those doggie bike trailers with a big flag on the back so I can chauffeur him around in style.           

Ah. Great idea. Oh, Nick just texted me to tell you the trailer needs to be air-conditioned for the summer and heated for winter.       

Noted! Nick has also informed me the bike trailer is to be crafted from South Indian sandalwood by Amish artisans in eastern Ohio using only dovetail and mortise and tenon joinery. Working on it!

Nobody ever accused him of having bad taste. The boy is a true aristocrat. 

Somehow, knowing my incredible neighbor, I fully expect to see Nick riding in style soon. Or not. But Nellie and I will still see them walking around from time to time and we always look forward to our conversations.