Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A setting for zoomies

Zoomies delight Nellie in particular and Rascal for a nanosecond. Rascal does appreciate it when doggie friends are invited over, as their people are too busy chatting and relaxing to bother him and he can hang unencumbered. In order to make it more comfortable for all, I've been trying out new placements for chairs and tables, and even broke down and bought a new patio umbrella (mostly to keep leaves off the table, but the shade is nice too), So far so good. The yard is slowly getting into shape.

If the people who accompany their dogs want snacks, our staff will accommodate them by holding a bowl of caramels or brownies, depending on whether I'm in the mood to bake. Staff are on duty 24/7 and don't really care what snack is available since they are so busy, they don't have the opportunity to eat regardless. That is their choice, by the way, as I strongly believe in treating all with respect and care.

Other staff members are expected to keep a close eye on the dogs so they don't get into any serious mischief. Buddha naturally takes a zen approach and the alien insect frankly doesn't care about shenanigans as long as no one pees on him.

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