My friend K and I, along with Nick's and Nellie's approval, have named the cat who is gracing us with her presence, Misty. She's not responding to that of course, but she happily eats the food she's offered (after she hisses at me for coming near her). Rummaging around in a back shed I found the small cat carrier kept for wildlife rescues and brought it forward to the patio. After removing the door and placing a towel inside, it seemed it would be the perfect hideout for her. Long-suffering partner scoffed and said she wouldn't use it for fear of being trapped. Allow me to gloat...she did indeed take to it and was still there in the morning. When I went out to top up her water bowl, she stood at the door to the carrier and hissed at me as if to say "stay away from my house!" Naturally her wishes will be respected.
So, this is before her crate was placed:
This is the after with the crate moved under the table:
Only one problem. The afternoon sun hits that area and gets too hot. Though the table provides shade, it's not enough, so the crate got moved again to a more protected, shady place nearby. Naturally there will be monitoring of said crate to make sure Misty approves.
Now, someone might be thinking about our dogs and how they respond to Misty. Rascal is hardly aware of her presence. He's way too busy bossing long-suffering partner around to care about a cat. Nellie is more curious than anything and is a bit jealous that this creature is getting attention. For the most part, however, they both just steer clear of each other and go about their business. Whew!
It's always good when family members get along.