Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trash to treasure?

One of the fun things to do when you're bored is to take found objects and repurpose them, or not, depending on how they started out. Though it is no longer fashionable to have garden art (according to articles about the latest generations), I am more than willing to rebel against societal norms when it comes to filling the garden with crazy stuff (especially since neither the dogs or our new pal, the kitty, care one way or the other). As I've been trying to tame the overgrown jungle that has become the yard, I keep re-discovering items that once were focal points and are now archeological finds in the undergrowth. The cleanup is nowhere near done, but progress is being made (sort of). One section is nearly done. Still have some fine-tuning to do, but it's a start.

One of my favorite curbside finds is an old roof spinning ventilator shaft. It was buried under the wonderful ground cover that took off and climbed over everything it could find. Realizing the spinner would meet the same fate if left where it was, I put it up on a planter. By itself it looked dull, so bicycle guy moved from his hiding place to forever pedal in plain view. When we get a good breeze, the spinner lives up to its name and the cyclist can feel the joy.

Closeup of the bicyclist which is either a man or a monkey -- you decide.

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