Monday, March 11, 2024

Back by popular demand

 OK - really only one person mentioned they missed the blog, but then a couple more said they liked it, so here we are. And if all six of my loyal following come back, what a wonderful world it will be.

So what's been happening here? For one thing, California has experienced more rain in the last two years than we have in far too long. Bone dry reservoirs are now filled, and rivers that were too lazy to flow are now gushing. All good. It's meant not having to stand outside with a hose to water the garden, which has exploded. 

Speaking of gardens, of course I can't leave well enough alone. There were a ton of wine and beer bottles left over from an earlier project, and rather than haul them to the recycling center, they had to be put to use. So, I attempted to make something fun and decorative, using some barrel hoops and a mosaic bowling ball to throw in some drama. Add some aloe, and voilá:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it was worth the wait to see the unveiling of one of your masterpieces. Thank you.
