Saturday, March 23, 2024

We appear to have added another furry friend

We have an operating Critter Café in our side yard where we cater to squirrels, banded pigeons, doves, scrub jays, crows, ravens, and other assorted tiny birds, and we have unfortunately attracted cats as well.  I've had conversations forbidding them to attack any of our café guests, and reminding them to mind their manners. For the most part they have been respectful, but we have had the odd incident or two. For the most part, they have a tendency to avoid our backyard because of the multiple dogs we have always had on the premises. Out of the twelve dogs that have graced our home over the years, only two were friendly to multiple species. The rest have made a point of terrorizing squirrels, skunks (to the dogs' dismay), possums, raccoons, and yes, cats. 

Rascal and Nellie are quite blasé about most critters. They don't bother to chase squirrels, Nellie has befriended cats around the neighborhood, and the skunk Rascal encountered taught him a very good lesson about avoiding them in the future. It should be no surprise then that a cat might venture into our backyard domain. What is a bit shocking is the absolute sense of entitlement this particular visitor has. Young people today....

Looking out the kitchen window, we spotted this sight. Gorgeous kitty. When she realized we were on to her, she did scamper off, but apparently decided, especially on this rainy day, to come back and snuggle on the chair under the table. She's hard to see, but here she is:

We hope as time goes by she will allow us to get to know her better. But truthfully, that probably won't happen.

1 comment:

  1. I love how beautiful and inviting your yard is. Even a kitty takes a chance to relax when any minute a dog or two might come running outside.
