Friday, March 29, 2024

Doggie friends

We are very fortunate to live in a neighborhood which has multiple dogs, and more importantly, the kind of people who actually know how to care for their furry companions well. Naturally there are the dog people who don't find it necessary to let their fur buddies out of their yard prisons and go for walks. Then there are those who don't keep an eye on shutting doors and gates so their adventure seeking dogs escape. But by and large, in our immediate area, we mostly see pampered pooches on walks at least twice a day. 

It is not without some pride I can say that the vast majority of dogs we meet like me instantly. Witchcraft you say? Being a dog whisperer? Of course not. It's really very simple. I carry treats with me and hand them out lavishly. Dogs never forget someone with treats. Even my dogs are swayed by the magic power of dog cookies. And head scratches. Oh, and butt scratches. Cookies rule though. Someday you might hear about the magic power of my brownies on humans. Don't want to give away too many secrets right now though.

Rascal, a.k.a. Mr. Grumpy Pants, and Nellie chillin' in the backyard - which, by the way, they have been trained not to leave even if a gate is open, without a release word:

Nellie and her buddy Nick. We are lucky to have the joy of Nick and K's company on our evening walks three days a week. And Nellie and I get to visit with Nick, who sings opera when his mom is away at the office. We try to entertain him for a few minutes until he settles in a bit, but I confess he does the majority of the entertaining. And yes, Nellie definitely needs a trim.

And last but not least, there's Nellie's good friend Charlie. Charlie is still very much a puppy with all the puppy energy that goes with that. Alas, Rascal, who adores little dogs, isn't fond of Charlie, judging her as too large and energetic. Fun fact, Nick was his first friend when he came home to us from the shelter. Nick was very courteous and accepting of his attentions, for which we will always be grateful. But I digress. Charlie is a sweet, lovable girl who knows the instant we turn on to her street and will get our attention to make sure we don't pass her by. She even knows how to count to three, which is the number of treats each dog gets. Don't worry, they are small. It's almost more the power of suggestion than the actual treat.

Isn't she gorgeous? The answer is YES.

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