Thursday, March 21, 2024

Entry into bizarro world

Most of us would agree that going to the doctor is rarely fun. Our medical industrial complex is geared to make things as complicated as possible, so finding physicians we like and trust can be, well, interesting. As a former librarian, I like to think that my research prowess is fairly decent, so finding specialists who get high grades should be a snap. Or is it?

As luck would have it, the appropriate specialist had wonderful reviews and accepted my insurance. Good start right? The appointment wait time wasn't too terrible, and on the day of the appointment the parking garage gods were smiling with the perfect spot close to the elevator. Good beginnings.

Walking into the office waiting room festooned with Easter decorations (though candy would've been a nice touch), made you feel welcome. Staff was courteous and helpful. I was super early and had just settled in for a long wait, when surprisingly my name was called. I looked up, and was greeted by the doctor who led me to his office. And then it took a turn into the, shall we say, unusual.

The doctor was wearing a yamulke which announced he was Jewish. No problem there. He asked why I was there and I was able to describe the issue fairly briefly and that is where it all got interesting. He basically began proselytizing about his faith. He also made the bold statement that he was never wrong. Really? Never? I listened in utter fascination and amazement and wondered where this was all going to go and what it had to do with what I was there for. I did engage mildly to see if he could be derailed, but no. And honestly, half of what he was saying made no sense.

Now, those who know that I don't fear confrontation and can have a sassy mouth are probably wondering why I didn't take him to task or simply walk out. Well, again, because I was so gobsmacked this was happening in a doctor's office, and because I was so curious to see where this was all headed. I did offer some mild examples of things that puzzled me, and then told him I  have a god I prayed to: Steve, the god of amiable fuck-ups. He took that and ran with it, and his diatribe became even more unhinged and bizarre. Forty-five minutes later I did walk out with orders for the needed tests for the next step, so it wasn't a total waste. It'll be interesting what the next visit will bring. And yes, don't worry, the sassy me will be back in form.

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