Monday, March 25, 2024

Spring has definitely sprung

Dogs force us to get out and about and that's a very good thing. Nellie and I do vary our path occasionally, but mostly we have a routine and it means passing by familiar houses regularly. Often it's very ho-hum. Same old, same old. But every so often we're startled, and mostly delighted, by something new.

We were hailed today by a very friendly frog, who boldly captured our attention with his wide smile and bon vivant manner. We introduced ourselves and asked to take his picture. He graciously agreed.


Further along on our stroll, we came upon a Wisteria in full bloom that was too magnificent to pass by unacknowledged.

But not to be outdone by neighborhood whimsy, there are two critters who reside in my front yard full time. While neither have the rakish air of the frog dandy, they make me smile.

The bunny is perfectly content to watch passersby in the front, secure in the knowledge she can't be easily seen.

The cat's expression is one of perpetual surprise. I expect it's because after all these years, she's STILL not invited into the house, though she keeps an eagle eye on the front door. We feel quite protected.

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