Thursday, June 27, 2024

A mouse and flowers - huh?

Though promises were made not to make book reviews a habit, couldn't resist another recommendation. The book is Sipsworth by Simon van Booy and on the surface is about an old lady living alone in England and a pet mouse she found. I assure you however, that the book is far more complex, has delightfully unexpected reveals, and heart stopping moments to confound and entertain. Not only that, it's a super quick read at only a couple hundred pages. Libraries have hard copies and e-book versions. Read it!

So, what does a mouse have to do with beautiful blossoms in the neighborhood? Nothing. Just wanted to get your attention for the following beauties. What confounds me about nature is that a single plant can have different color blossoms. It takes something already exquisite and adds to it. Add the vibrancy of the colors, and well, you get the following:


The blue blossoms to the right are on the same plant. Amazing.

Hope your summer is going well. Stay cool.

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