Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Overgrowth solved and order restored

In a previous post about the overgrowth from our abnormally bounteous rainfall for the past two years, the sidewalk was covered, couldn't get past the full blooms to get to the Critter Café, and it generally felt as if Nature was in such high gear it was taking over everything. While I'm all in favor of Nature taking back what's hers, there does come a point where we have to compromise. 

With soaring temperatures, not to mention my soaring age, you'd think that reason would prevail and yard work would wait. Think again. Not only am I a cranky old lady, but obstinacy is one of my more endearing traits, at least when it comes to certain chores. While the aches and pains that come later remind me to slow down a bit, some things just cannot wait. Hence, the big clean up.

The trash can that has it's very own hidey-hole (custom made by yours truly ages ago) is now open and ready for business. The agave and huge weeds are gone so the bin is happily at home. The sidewalk is now actually walkable and the brickwork that took forever to accomplish is back in view.

The path that was blocked with an overgrown pot of sea lavender on one side, and run amok African daisies on the other, is now open for a clear shot to the side yard and the Critter Café. It took two of us to get the huge pot on the dolly, but as it was a short trip to it's new home, it wasn't that difficult. My friend K kindly came and helped with cutting down a large agave that was suffocating a pot of geraniums and the irises trying to live beneath it. The effect of opening the area once again was magic (at least to me who has fretted about this for a year now).

Of course, the Critter Café has always been accessible through other avenues, including the side door to the house, but there are actually two separate bird stations. Without the path, getting to the second area was a brave adventure to squeeze through Firestick and nasty, pokey agave. Not fun. It even made me skip days to avoid being stuck. That didn't make the customers happy.

Station one:

 Station two:

Of course, knowing my customer base (who NEVER tip BTW), they will only become more demanding. Which is fine with me. Anything to please those who choose to grace the yard with their presence. Feathered, furred, and scaled only get to be this entitled. I don't put up with that from humans.


1 comment:

  1. It's smart you were able to take advantage to do all that work before the heatwave. The colors are magnificent.
