Sunday, June 2, 2024

Twin houses, yet not the same

Believe it or not, the two houses you are about to see are twins. I have been walking down this street and have glanced at these two for thousands of times over the years, and it never registered that they were identical in design, just flipped. So, the chimney of the blue house is to the left; the chimney of the beige house is to the right. Perhaps the reason it isn't so apparent is the difference in how they are maintained. 

The first house has a sad lawn, little greenery, and a perplexing walk leading to the front door that doesn't reach the public sidewalk. It's a road to nowhere. Frankly, the house has an almost abandoned feel to it, which is probably why I never paid much attention.

The house right next door is a totally different story. Exact same design and an entirely different vibe. While I'm not a huge fan of expansive lawns, at least theirs is well maintained and vibrant green. The bushes and trees at the front soften the rather stark design of the house itself. The pathway to the front door makes sense because it reaches the front sidewalk. They even have roses lining the edge of the yard. It's amazing how even a few well-placed plantings can make such a difference in the overall feel and look of a place.

And now, just for fun, and because I couldn't resist, another cool door which is a garden gate with decorative iron attached:

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