Sunday, June 23, 2024

More architectural oddities (and niceties)

Once again -- guilty of having passed by a place multiple times and not seen the obvious. In this case, there is a brick "patio" in front of these beautiful windows (because arches, duh). Thing is, the patio is only about two feet, or less, wide. Soooo, not good for a nice chair to enjoy the evening breezes, and not a way to get to the driveway or front walk. Just there. The front door is to the left, and there are stairs, etc., but one wonders why that narrow band of brick is in front of the windows.

On the niceties side, their mail box is beautiful copper with a lovely bird embossed below POST.

Farther down in the neighborhood, there is a house that has always struck me as utterly out of place in this area of cute Craftsman, Tudor, and Prairie style homes. It is so stark and featureless, made more so by lack of any landscaping to soften it up. Every time I go by, I think of it as an abandoned mini-market or gas station. Maybe a nice mural would perk it up.

But to end on an upbeat note, found at a house far from the above, this bit of cuteness just must be shared.

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