Thursday, June 6, 2024

Loose dog rescue and awesome neighbors...again

Again with the amazing neighbors. This sweet Shepherd was running loose and the instant he saw C, N, And H, he ran toward them and cuddled up. Smart dog. They were able to leash him and try to figure out where he belongs. That's where I came in. 

Hearing an enormous barking ruckus from Nellie and Rascal at the front door, I found my neighbors had come across to see if I knew who this gorgeous and incredibly friendly dog is. Apparently there is the belief that I know every single dog within a 100 mile radius. Unfortunately, that is not entirely true, and this one rang no bells. I grabbed the phone, however, and called someone who might recognize the pup, but that too was a no.

As the dog had no collar, another neighbor had already called Animal Rescue from our local shelter. They have a portable device to see if the dog is chipped and the good news is, yes he's chipped. The only catch is whether the chip is current and the dog's guardian answers. The Animal Rescue officer made it clear that though he could not divulge information about the dog's guardian, he would make an attempt to return the dog to his home before taking him to the shelter. And yes, nosy as I am, I checked the Humane Society website to see if he was there. So far so  good, but I'll keep checking just to make sure. 

This saga is becoming too frequent with loose dogs. The good news is that our neighborhood is very alert and willing to leap in to help. Without that spirit, too many of these animals would be left to wander, be injured, or killed. I just hope this is a one off for this beautiful boy and his people will be more vigilant in future.

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