Saturday, June 1, 2024

Win some, lose some

I've done multiple bottle borders in the garden. The first I did was a very long drawn out endeavor because I actually cut the bottles before creating the border (described in previous posts - 2015 if you want to peek). I've since learned to cheat and use the whole bottle. The bottle border in the front yard went in fairly smoothly and is holding up well, so that's a win. Before I put that in, however, I wanted to border the Oleander off the porch of my side door. Two reasons: helps (a bit) to keep the water where it needs to be at the base of the plant; and it keeps the leaves used as mulch in the same area. It is definitely a win.

Soooo, looking over at the Crepe Myrtle that is in front of the same door, I had the bright idea of bordering it too. Couple of problems from the get go: roots of the tree precluded going around the whole base or very deep; the ground itself is made up of a different soil type, which is more like concrete than dirt. OK - we can do this. Just do the side that leaks water the most and make it more decorative than seriously functional. By decorative, I mean I used two sizes of bottles. Well, it wasn't the most amazing design ever, but it provided a hint of pizazz - at least for about a year. Then, not so much. My fault entirely. My Critter Café is right near there, and I've attracted so many squirrels and Ravens who tussle with each other (nicely) over who gets the most peanuts, they have started running over and knocking down my bottles. So today, I said goodbye to this mess and pulled the bottles out to be used in some other fashion elsewhere. Or put in the recycling bin. One or the other.

Squirrels are very cute and all, but they aren't the neatest creatures.

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