Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Unexpected blooms

Can't even remember how many years ago these bulbs were transplanted from an area that did them no justice to the front of the hedges. Every year I eagerly awaited the blossoms, only to get two or three pop up and display their beauty. I had pretty much given up and in fact was contemplating digging them out and placing them elsewhere. They must've heard me, because this year every single one decided to bloom quite robustly just to show me to have faith. After the disaster with the potted plant that died off, this did so much to restore faith that gardens are for amateurs too.


Monday, August 26, 2024

Mosaic garden art

A good friend has an incredible mother who makes wonderful mosaic garden art. This kind of thing is beyond my particular skill set, and it always is delightful to see new ways of doing things. It gives off a fairy garden vibe but with a more artistic slant.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Garden tradgedy

I've posted before about how the last two years of heavy rain in an otherwise semi-arid area had created an over abundance of flora. One such gift was a pot that unfortunately impeded a pathway. The royal purple of the sea lavender and hints of pink from geraniums were lush and stunning in their beauty. So -- this is the before....

For some reason, after we moved the pot and were admiring the new look of the area, it didn't take long for the sea lavender to start to brown. The geraniums kept going fine, but the leaves of the sea lavender continued to shrivel and die off. I kept hoping new sprouts would take their place, but there was no luck with that. After giving it a couple of months, I finally have admitted defeat. This pot will be emptied of its current occupants and will have to have a new beginning. I grow very attached to my plantings, so for me this is a big loss. Let's hope the new batch thrives and is happy.


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Paco goes to his new home

Today is a big day of transition as Paco is leaving us for his forever home. Thankfully it is just down the street, so we'll be able to continue to love him up when he's out and about. This morning was the visit to the Vet and he got a clean bill of health, as well as the vaccinations he desperately needed. He also has an appointment for his neutering in a couple of weeks, and that should help settle him down a bit (one hopes). All in all, looking good.

Several people have asked how I feel about letting him go. On the one hand, I am so in love with this little guy it's breaking my heart. If he were 10 or older, there would be no question that he would stay with us. Unfortunately,  a hyper puppy is beyond the two old folks that have to try and deal with that energy. More importantly, our Rascal truly doesn't want him here and Paco doesn't understand that he should keep his distance. The tension in the household is wearing. No, not wearing, exhausting. Though each day is filled with training and exercise, we cannot do him justice.

I just know he will bond with the two kids in the family and they'll be able to grow up with him. Paco will be there to see them off to college. They are the lucky ones.

So, this is not goodbye, but a new beginning for a deserving little Pug who has already been through so much. 

And here he is, standing at the gate as if he knows he's going home:



Friday, August 23, 2024

Reuse, recycle -- at least until Paco gets hold of them

To you, this just looks like a box filled with toilet paper and paper towel rolls.

You'd be right, of course, and you'd be right to wonder why the heck anyone would collect so many. Well, as any gardener can tell you, they are great for starting cuttings of plants you want to thrive when you figure out where to put them. And that is why I collected them. Turns out, they have an even better use when you have accepted a Pug puppy into your home.

This discovery was made the first night -- Paco LOVES cardboard. Don't ask me when or how he developed this fetish (do we really want to know?), but cardboard is his go-to when it comes to chewing on things. Well, that and furniture. That gave me an idea. What about using a tube from a roll of plastic bags to play fetch and let him gnaw on? It worked. He was so entranced with the cardboard tube, he pretty much ignored anything else he could sink his teeth into. That roll lasted about 5 days before he obliterated it. Fortunately my friend K left a paper towel roll out for me to give to Paco and that reminded me of the stash of tubes tucked away for that nonexistent day in the future when cuttings would be planted. By folding and stuffing a tube to make it sturdier and thicker, we have an almost endless supply of diversionary tactics to distract Paco from whatever mischief he wants to get into next. 

And in case you've forgotten, this is Paco, looking totally innocent of any destruction.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Word to the wise Paco, your big sister is just jealous

In all the fuss and attention given to Paco, you might be wondering what Nellie and Rascal think about all this. Rascal thinks that the interloper should be dispatched forthwith. He does not approve any attention given to him by long suffering partner and has strong (very loud) words to say on the subject. Rascal is only part of the reason we have had to make Paco comfortable in the kitchen/mudroom area of the house, but he's a major player in the decision to keep them separated. And even though the barrier can be breached by any spry dog other than Paco, being a 16 year old grumpy arthritic, Rascal is not spry and therefore does not jump over. Nellie, on the other hand, is a different story.

Nellie not only jumps over the barrier, she is so jealous of the attention given to a puppy she insists on being part of the action. Sometimes that works to get Paco zooming and playing (a good thing); sometimes it means Paco is getting too up close and personal so Nellie has to tell him to back off (which he ignores). That can escalate a bit which is used as a teachable moment, but adds to the whole exhaustion thing. However, there are moments that tug at the heart, and this is one of them:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Training and distraction -- balls are a good thing

Paco's training is coming along. He knows sit, and is getting really terrific at heel as long as he's not distracted by another dog, or bicycle, or, you know, a leaf blowing along the street. He's even catching on to leave it, which at this point is mostly about leaving my shoes alone when I'm changing from house shoes to outdoor shoes. And while the puppy nipping hasn't been nipped in the bud quite yet (see what I did there), he is easy to distract. Six months ago, when we thought he was coming to foster with us, I bought a couple of toys for him. When he didn't join us, I thought of donating them to the Humane Society, but was too lazy to do it. For once, procrastination paid off. He loves this one ball to play a bouncy game of fetch. It's also a good tool for his nipping training as he's redirected to something it's okay to bite on. The picture is a bit blurry because, part tornado, but our little Paco is a terrific fetch artist.

The heat today has been so bad, that Paco should enjoy his bath this evening. His terrible dandruff and itchy skin are now 90% under control, but I want him to be as comfortable as possible. It will also serve to cool him down a bit, given our lack of air conditioning. Naturally I get as wet as he does, but that's a good thing today.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Appearances are deceiving, Paco style

Now, you're looking at those pictures and thinking awwwww. Those limpid eyes, that passed out little guy. So cute, so calm. Welp. We discovered that Paco is not a Pug at all. He's half Tornado and half Velociraptor. Sure - after he's terrorized neighbor dogs who just came for a zoomie session (he doesn't know the limits of getting up close and personal), chewed on his bed and toys, played 10 rounds of fetch, taken a walk where he learned to heel within one block (smart guy) -- now he looks cute and worn out. And this is settling down since day one. Our current task is getting him to stop the puppy nipping. Perfectly normal behavior, but not great. So my goal this week, in addition to the leash training and waiting at doors until given the cue to go, is to make him safer to be around. Wish me luck, because, yup, I'll need it.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trees on city streets are wonderful until this happens

On one of the streets we visit from time to time had a surprise for us. This tree, clearly just waiting for the perfect moment to fall, is on City property. You'd think the City would hasten to get a crew out to cut it down so as not to cause injury or worse, and then have to deal with a very expensive aftermath. The family that lived in the house nearby just happened to be out and were willing to share what has been done so far. A crew did come out to cut a couple of branches off and then put caution tape from the tree to the limbs at the curb. No cones to indicate drivers might want to get in the far lane. No signs to alert people. And no remedy as in actually taking down the tree. Shaking my head!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Pug harness wrestling should be an Olympic sport

Paco, being a Pug, is a brachycephalic breed, meaning he has a flat face. As a result, he's prone to heat and breathing issues dogs like Nellie don't have. In order to take him on walks he must wear a harness as anything around his throat can cause problems. Now, mind you, Paco clearly has never been walked on leash and has the manners, curiosity, and craziness of a velociraptor newly brought back from extinction. While we can only go around the block because of the heat (and yes, we wait for it to seriously cool down in the evening), it's an adventure from beginning to end. The good news:  he's starting to get the hang of the walk. The less good news:  we have an interesting wrestling match to get his harness on. Mind you, the harness is a bit awkward and he's not used to sartorial splendor, but harness him up we must. First of all, he wants to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. It took four days and 8 walks to get him to allow the harness to go over his head without a fuss. The tricky part now is getting his leg through one side so he can get buckled up on the other side. Let's just say it's a work in progress. He's an expert wiggler.

Another issue we discovered he had was a very serious case of itchy skin and dandruff, the likes of which you never want to see. He spent so much time doubled over trying to chew in his hind end, it was painful to watch. His little hind end also had pink areas and he was so clearly uncomfortable. Bath time. The first bath he received was with soothing shampoo -- quick and easy in the outdoor sink we have. A bit of aloe vera gel on his pink patches, and a day later, the chewing was down by two thirds. A quick trip to the vet for medicated shampoo and another bath, and he hasn't shown any signs of discomfort since. Whew! He is very good in the bath, seeming almost to relish it. At least that's what I thought until I took a look at his face. Poor baby. He didn't mind it, but you have to leave the medicated shampoo on for 10 minutes. That was the part he wasn't so keen on.

After the bath, a walk to dry off, and a good dinner, he formed a pug puddle on the floor, and took a long nap.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

At least this cat allows me to pet her

Some days you have wonderful wins. Other days you feel like all your efforts are in vain. The last two days, we've had wins. Paco is adjusting and showing us all the loves. Misty is still coming for dinner (though I've noticed she never leaves a tip!), and we are getting nearer to cooler weather (in about 5 weeks). Why is the cooler weather of particular importance? Because then Nellie's walkies bestie Nick will be able to come out again. But the efforts in vain are those to convince Misty we are only here to help her. She still hisses and won't come near, but she will let me stand closer after the food bowl goes down. Small steps. At least this cat loves to get head rubs:

Another win. The way the blossoms come through, it looks as though the agave is blooming. Betcha you haven't seen that before.


Monday, August 12, 2024

Quick update on Paco and Misty

Paco has a home. A wonderful forever home. The best part? He'll be just down the street from me so we'll be able to see each other from time to time. Whew!! He'll be with me for two more weeks, and we'll be doing some training, getting his vaccinations, and making an appointment for his neuter surgery. Plus, and I can't stress this enough, getting his dog license. Yup, we want him to be an upstanding member of the community.

I had a dog behaviorist out today to teach Paco boundaries so he won't run out of open doors or gates, and who should walk by? His new family! It was a great teachable moment and Paco clearly likes them so much. He and their other, older dog got to meet and that will need some ironing out, but there were no red flags there.

Yesterday I managed to sort out out a way for Paco to have his own space that cannot be damaged by chewing (on our antique furniture), or if he needs to poop in the middle of the night, no damage to a tile floor. As a result, sleep was actually a thing for me. A win.

Of course, the longer he's with us, the more in love we are. However, in this case, good sense is prevailing and his new home will be so perfect, there are no regrets, just joy he will have the life he deserves. And who wouldn't want this face to greet them every day?

Alas, Paco is the type of dog who chases squirrels and cats. Misty is smart, though, and sussed out that she simply had to show up for dinner under the car in the driveway, which is where she used to spend her time before deciding our backyard patio was more her style. While she still hisses, she will come to the food bowl upon presentation and allows me to be only a step or two away when she eats. So in two weeks, when Paco has moved into his new digs, I hope we can convince Misty to come back to the comforts of our more secure backyard.

And thus endeth today's critter saga.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

We are brand new foster parents!

I posted before about Paco the Pug who needed a new home and then on the day we were supposed to pick him up, his guardian changed her mind. Well today was a completely different scenario and I'm so glad that we chanced by on dog walk this morning (I think).

To start at the beginning.... Nellie and I were on our let's-get-our-walk-in-before-the-heat outing and decided to swing by Paco's place to check in on him and do the handing out treats ritual. We heard strange sounds coming from the house, and then a toddler came out the door and I assumed she was making the noises. Paco was no where in sight, so Nellie and I started to head home. Then behind us came a cacophony of yips and crying. We turned around to see the toddler on the ground, Grandma and Dad picking her up, and Paco running toward the fence. We went back to say hi and give Paco his treat when Grandma came over in a fury and told me not to give him a treat because he was a bad dog. Apparently he jumped on the little girl and nipped her hand. Grandma was about to take a swing at Paco (I'm not sure she would've actually hit him in all fairness), but you could tell she was furious and wanted him to know he was in trouble. I said it was too late to punish him because he wouldn't understand why. She turned to me and said, "Would you take him? I don't want him anymore!" Knowing that this family was not the best informed when it comes to dogs and their care, I immediately said yes, pulled out the slip lead from my bag, and walked home with a dog who clearly has never been on a leash or been walked before. To say it was a wild walk home is an understatement.

Home at last, adding Paco to the mix created pure pandemonium. Rascal, who always liked him when they met through the fence, decided he was an intruder and told him multiple times they weren't going to be friends, especially if Paco tried to make nice with Rascal's Dad. Nellie was a bit more blasé, but feeling jealous that a new dog might be supplanting her position. Paco was just confused why he was in this strange place, overheated from the walk, and unsure how he was supposed to make friends with other dogs as he's had no experience with that custom. He wanted to do zoomies in the house, didn't know how to get through the mosquito screen across the door to the backyard (even managing to pull it down), and generally was at a loss. Finally he was exploring the yard and, alas, came upon Misty, who immediately decamped in a huff. That adds another wrinkle. 

Side note: Finally got Misty to allow me to stand only a couple of steps away while she ate last night. Paco may put the kibosh on that relationship though I'm hoping we can work that out.

For the grand finale of this whole mess, Paco also decided that the house was the perfect place to dump three piles of diarrhea instead of going outside. Oh, and he's apparently not over his puppy chewing phase even though he's over one year old and has had ZERO training, which is why he jumped on the granddaughter and gave her a puppy nip on the hand. He's been allowed to do that with all the adults in the family. Good times.

Soooo, you are asking yourself why I would take on this dog, how long he will be with us, and should I have my sanity checked. I took the dog because he needed to get out of a neglectful situation (not outright abuse, but more ignorance of what is involved and lack of caring when he would get out). This a foster situation only (yes - that's a promise). We already have a vet appointment for a checkup and vaccinations and I'll be calling the Humane Society to schedule his neuter surgery as soon as possible. And yes, I definitely should have a sanity check because I am INSANE for doing this. But you gotta admit, he is sooooo cute:

Friday, August 9, 2024

Sweating like a pig or chilling like one

Once again, walking down a street that is very familiar, something new popped up on the old radar. In the distance, there were two creatures that weren't there before seated on a bench. Getting closer, it turned out to be two delightful pigs, just enjoying the day. Considering it's been in the high 90s all week, I felt a bit concerned for them as pigs don't sweat. That's right, the expression sweating like a pig is completely, biologically wrong. In fact, the reason pigs often roll in mud or seek pools is to cool off and avoid sunburn. It would be far more accurate to say sweating like a race horse that just won the Derby. though that may take too long. As they were simply garden art and not living creatures, it was all okay. 

Another note about pigs: they are extremely intelligent animals and show great affection for human caregivers. Those who have reared mini-pigs can tell you how smart they are. And BTW, mini pigs are a myth too. They get large -- very large. We had a pig visit the park our library was situated in and he was supposed to be a mini. Nope - size of a large ottoman. Always knew when I was coming up and would politely ask for a treat (which of course he got). He even liked head scratches just like all the dog friends in my life. He was truly special. I miss him.

Please note their very cute expressions of satisfaction that the world is theirs.

Friday, August 2, 2024

They are big, brown, and hairy

We are very lucky to live in an area rich in wildlife. While our neighborhood specializes in skunks and coyotes, other areas have bears as frequent visitors. Interesting fact: the state flag has a Grizzly Bear on the flag, yet Grizzlies haven't roamed our wildlands since 1922, having been killed off by anyone with a gun. Today's bears are black bears and there are efforts to re-introduce Grizzlies to designated areas of the State. 

Knowing that we have bears and seeing two in the wild is always thrilling. Being able to get out and take pictures is something altogether different. Relax, they are statues. Did you really think I was that crazy? OK - don't answer that! Anyway, on my way back from our dog park date with Nellie's beau Scotty, I decided to be adventurous and take a slightly different route home. If you're thinking I need to get out more and lead a more exciting life, you are correct. Alas, taking a different street home constitutes adventure these days. 

Back to bears. These magnificent specimens are happily ensconced in a front yard, looking quite satisfied with themselves. The one with the bunny by her side is particularly happy.