Friday, August 2, 2024

They are big, brown, and hairy

We are very lucky to live in an area rich in wildlife. While our neighborhood specializes in skunks and coyotes, other areas have bears as frequent visitors. Interesting fact: the state flag has a Grizzly Bear on the flag, yet Grizzlies haven't roamed our wildlands since 1922, having been killed off by anyone with a gun. Today's bears are black bears and there are efforts to re-introduce Grizzlies to designated areas of the State. 

Knowing that we have bears and seeing two in the wild is always thrilling. Being able to get out and take pictures is something altogether different. Relax, they are statues. Did you really think I was that crazy? OK - don't answer that! Anyway, on my way back from our dog park date with Nellie's beau Scotty, I decided to be adventurous and take a slightly different route home. If you're thinking I need to get out more and lead a more exciting life, you are correct. Alas, taking a different street home constitutes adventure these days. 

Back to bears. These magnificent specimens are happily ensconced in a front yard, looking quite satisfied with themselves. The one with the bunny by her side is particularly happy.

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