Monday, August 12, 2024

Quick update on Paco and Misty

Paco has a home. A wonderful forever home. The best part? He'll be just down the street from me so we'll be able to see each other from time to time. Whew!! He'll be with me for two more weeks, and we'll be doing some training, getting his vaccinations, and making an appointment for his neuter surgery. Plus, and I can't stress this enough, getting his dog license. Yup, we want him to be an upstanding member of the community.

I had a dog behaviorist out today to teach Paco boundaries so he won't run out of open doors or gates, and who should walk by? His new family! It was a great teachable moment and Paco clearly likes them so much. He and their other, older dog got to meet and that will need some ironing out, but there were no red flags there.

Yesterday I managed to sort out out a way for Paco to have his own space that cannot be damaged by chewing (on our antique furniture), or if he needs to poop in the middle of the night, no damage to a tile floor. As a result, sleep was actually a thing for me. A win.

Of course, the longer he's with us, the more in love we are. However, in this case, good sense is prevailing and his new home will be so perfect, there are no regrets, just joy he will have the life he deserves. And who wouldn't want this face to greet them every day?

Alas, Paco is the type of dog who chases squirrels and cats. Misty is smart, though, and sussed out that she simply had to show up for dinner under the car in the driveway, which is where she used to spend her time before deciding our backyard patio was more her style. While she still hisses, she will come to the food bowl upon presentation and allows me to be only a step or two away when she eats. So in two weeks, when Paco has moved into his new digs, I hope we can convince Misty to come back to the comforts of our more secure backyard.

And thus endeth today's critter saga.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, move the food when appropriate and safe and she should follow. You're doing good!
