Sunday, August 25, 2024

Garden tradgedy

I've posted before about how the last two years of heavy rain in an otherwise semi-arid area had created an over abundance of flora. One such gift was a pot that unfortunately impeded a pathway. The royal purple of the sea lavender and hints of pink from geraniums were lush and stunning in their beauty. So -- this is the before....

For some reason, after we moved the pot and were admiring the new look of the area, it didn't take long for the sea lavender to start to brown. The geraniums kept going fine, but the leaves of the sea lavender continued to shrivel and die off. I kept hoping new sprouts would take their place, but there was no luck with that. After giving it a couple of months, I finally have admitted defeat. This pot will be emptied of its current occupants and will have to have a new beginning. I grow very attached to my plantings, so for me this is a big loss. Let's hope the new batch thrives and is happy.


1 comment:

  1. Oh. my. how sad looking. Since it was okay in the previous spot, can you not move it back and plant some of the same that died. Says the one with the black thumb...and black 9 other fingers as well.
