Friday, August 9, 2024

Sweating like a pig or chilling like one

Once again, walking down a street that is very familiar, something new popped up on the old radar. In the distance, there were two creatures that weren't there before seated on a bench. Getting closer, it turned out to be two delightful pigs, just enjoying the day. Considering it's been in the high 90s all week, I felt a bit concerned for them as pigs don't sweat. That's right, the expression sweating like a pig is completely, biologically wrong. In fact, the reason pigs often roll in mud or seek pools is to cool off and avoid sunburn. It would be far more accurate to say sweating like a race horse that just won the Derby. though that may take too long. As they were simply garden art and not living creatures, it was all okay. 

Another note about pigs: they are extremely intelligent animals and show great affection for human caregivers. Those who have reared mini-pigs can tell you how smart they are. And BTW, mini pigs are a myth too. They get large -- very large. We had a pig visit the park our library was situated in and he was supposed to be a mini. Nope - size of a large ottoman. Always knew when I was coming up and would politely ask for a treat (which of course he got). He even liked head scratches just like all the dog friends in my life. He was truly special. I miss him.

Please note their very cute expressions of satisfaction that the world is theirs.

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