Friday, August 23, 2024

Reuse, recycle -- at least until Paco gets hold of them

To you, this just looks like a box filled with toilet paper and paper towel rolls.

You'd be right, of course, and you'd be right to wonder why the heck anyone would collect so many. Well, as any gardener can tell you, they are great for starting cuttings of plants you want to thrive when you figure out where to put them. And that is why I collected them. Turns out, they have an even better use when you have accepted a Pug puppy into your home.

This discovery was made the first night -- Paco LOVES cardboard. Don't ask me when or how he developed this fetish (do we really want to know?), but cardboard is his go-to when it comes to chewing on things. Well, that and furniture. That gave me an idea. What about using a tube from a roll of plastic bags to play fetch and let him gnaw on? It worked. He was so entranced with the cardboard tube, he pretty much ignored anything else he could sink his teeth into. That roll lasted about 5 days before he obliterated it. Fortunately my friend K left a paper towel roll out for me to give to Paco and that reminded me of the stash of tubes tucked away for that nonexistent day in the future when cuttings would be planted. By folding and stuffing a tube to make it sturdier and thicker, we have an almost endless supply of diversionary tactics to distract Paco from whatever mischief he wants to get into next. 

And in case you've forgotten, this is Paco, looking totally innocent of any destruction.


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