Saturday, August 24, 2024

Paco goes to his new home

Today is a big day of transition as Paco is leaving us for his forever home. Thankfully it is just down the street, so we'll be able to continue to love him up when he's out and about. This morning was the visit to the Vet and he got a clean bill of health, as well as the vaccinations he desperately needed. He also has an appointment for his neutering in a couple of weeks, and that should help settle him down a bit (one hopes). All in all, looking good.

Several people have asked how I feel about letting him go. On the one hand, I am so in love with this little guy it's breaking my heart. If he were 10 or older, there would be no question that he would stay with us. Unfortunately,  a hyper puppy is beyond the two old folks that have to try and deal with that energy. More importantly, our Rascal truly doesn't want him here and Paco doesn't understand that he should keep his distance. The tension in the household is wearing. No, not wearing, exhausting. Though each day is filled with training and exercise, we cannot do him justice.

I just know he will bond with the two kids in the family and they'll be able to grow up with him. Paco will be there to see them off to college. They are the lucky ones.

So, this is not goodbye, but a new beginning for a deserving little Pug who has already been through so much. 

And here he is, standing at the gate as if he knows he's going home:




  1. You are definitely one of my heroes! You were there when Paco needed you most and you've paved the way for him to have a REAL life. Thankfully, he is close by so you can still interact with him and love him as you do. I know how hard it is to let go sometimes but in this case it was necessary. Now you can go back to whatever "normal" is and enjoy your family. Love and hugs.

  2. Fostering Paco and finding him a home are all good things. Unfortunately, he didn't make it easy looking at his sweet face
