Thursday, May 23, 2024

Another day, another dog rescue

Frankly, I was looking forward to a rather blah day. Some dusting, a few phone calls, checking in on Elvis, the hunka hunka burning love next door (a dog for those of you getting a bit too excited). Just strolling out in the garden to dump the bucket of shower water we collect waiting for it to heat up, when a doggie caught my eye. A dog I knew, out without a person, looking perplexed and a bit scared. Bucket goes to the ground and I call out "Chase. Sweetie, come here." Lo and behold, zero hesitation, just instant joy at being called. Practically jumped into my arms. 

Called out to long suffering partner to grab the slip lead and put it on the wiggly dog in my arms. Lead is on and off we go a full three houses down the street. The car in the driveway was revving up and the grandpa was coming out of the gate with a collar and leash in hand, looking frantic. He looks up and sees me. Grandma gets out of the car and can barely believe her eyes. The look of relief was gratifying. Sky, they say. Where was she? I explained and they took over. They were baffled how she got out and were going to check the entire fenced area for escape points. They were effusive in their thanks. All's well that ends well.

OK -- two things: Sky must not know her name, (I can't tell the two dogs apart) or she didn't care that I called for her brother because she was so happy to have a person to connect with. What is more interesting is that though I always talk to them as we walk by every day, I've never been close enough to pet them or tell them apart. I purposely talk to dogs behind their fences or out with their people on walkies. just for this scenario. They tend to trust me enough to go back into their yards if they are out, or come to me. 

Secondly, her people, unlike the people who have been neglectful with PatrĂ³n and Lucky, the two dogs we rescued last week, are tremendously responsible and caring. This was a first in all the years they have had their dogs. I'm just happy it went so smoothly and quickly.

So, back to my boring day until rescue number two. And this time, it wasn't a dog. Stay tuned.

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