Monday, May 20, 2024

Arches are not all the same

Architecture is a particular fascination as anyone who has listened to me blather on knows. Arches are a way to lift up a room, a facade, a feeling. This house is a perfect example. Imagine the porch as a rectangle -- all hard edges and straight lines. Even with the nice brickwork, it would be boring and not noteworthy. Not to mention it would make this one story house look squat. The arches, on the other hand, add style and uplift the porch to be taller and more open.

These arches do the same thing to give a sense of height to a one story house. The big difference is the airiness and brightness of the design. The arches themselves are narrower and higher. Instead of brickwork, they chose clean arches with an interesting tile pattern as the trim, giving it an artistic vibe. Yes, those lines are tile. So, which one do you think I would like better? Of course you guessed it -- the tile. There was never any question.


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