Saturday, May 25, 2024

Just when you think your yard cleanup is going well

If we have a big wind storm, naturally we stalk the property looking for fallen tree limbs and other damage, but it is utterly unexpected when there has been perfectly reasonable weather and no warning signs of impending doom. Imagine our surprise when walking into our backyard to find a huge tree limb had cracked off a perfectly healthy Carob. Fortunately, in fell inside the fence, and not onto the sidewalk where it could've severely injured someone. All I can think is that the tree wasn't happy with my very aggressive weeding efforts the day before and decided to show it's wrath. No wait -- that doesn't make sense. Why would the tree do damage to itself? Oh well, just another mess.

The cracked limb needed surgical attention since those types of injuries attract insect activity, disease, and rot. It's a simple fix in that the cracked portion needs to be cut back cleanly at a joint, but no -- not climbing up there to do it. I called the experts and thankfully our tree will be feeling much better.

One very positive note on this adventure: our go-to tree guy came the same afternoon I called about it and took care of it for an incredibly good price. Then he noticed some issues I hadn't cottoned on to, and wisely so. Trees are something I absolutely encourage and love. But boy are they headaches in terms of proper care. But better that than dead trees or injured creatures from broken, falling boughs.

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