Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Last ones for this year - I swear

Those things my garden refuses to allow in and thrive still have a place in my heart as I walk by other gardens. Today's top selection is a trumpet vine, happily covering a fence and blooming like crazy:

Not to be outdone is another vine that has a name but won't tell it to me, that also neatly covers the chain link fence, which face it, is not that attractive. The fence, not the plant. The plant is gorgeous.

Now, you're thinking I'm just too lazy to look this up on Google to find names for all the things I don't know. You are correct. Even if I did manage to identify them, it'd be out of my head in a nanosecond. The only names I remember past the first block upon introductions are dog's names. Every once in a while, their people's names will stick too, but that's rare. And before you worry about my mental state - no - I don't have dementia - yet. Just an overactive lazy gene.

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