Thursday, May 2, 2024

Arty, bright, and beautiful

Not at all guaranteeing that this is the last post featuring beautifully designed gardens, but given that spring has indeed sprung, and we are heading into warmer (read hot) weather, this could be it. All depends on what catches my eye as Nellie and I venture farther afield. Of course, that depends on hips and knees being in working order. That's my hips and knees; Nellie's are just fine.

Mind you, these are all located on the parkway, so the homeowner is doing the City a huge favor by creating a masterpiece.

The homeowner's yard is also very artsy and well-planned, but this wouldn't be a Cranky blog if I didn't point out a couple of things that are less than environmentally sound. First is the artificial turf (read plastic) that we know is not only a poor weed barrier, but simply breaks down over time to add more plastic waste to the soil, air, and water. Not only that, it's hotter than plants or even gravel. In addition, adding to the heat are the concrete decorative areas. They are very pretty and make the yard stunning, but they also will release carbon forever. That aside, though, it is a treat to look at. And the homeowner did all the work himself from planning to execution.

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