Friday, May 17, 2024


I can't tell you the number of years I've tried to grow bougainvillea. The vibrant color, the ability to climb and beautify walls, the thorns to keep intruders at bay. Every time I think I've got it sorted, the big nothing happens. Either the plants remain the same small size they started from the pot, or they grow for a bit and then just decide to call it quits. I can only dream to have something like the GIANT bushes in front of this house. Well, at least, they are there to be appreciated and admired. Dang it.

On the other hand, I've never tried to grow lovely ornamental trees because I know that failure rate would be 100%. Fortunately I don't have to as other gardeners have succeeded all too well. Have no clue what this is other than gorgeous. And to throw this out there, just because I would never wear pink or buy anything pink, it doesn't mean nature doesn't do a very good job at displaying it beautifully.

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