Thursday, May 16, 2024


One of the fun things in the neighborhood are the whimsical decorations people put out into their gardens. Yes, there are plenty of the standard pink flamingos, and frankly, they are usually displayed in a standard, clichéd manner. Nellie and I demand higher art than that.

One house started a Halloween tradition of having a large snake skeleton (fake of course) in front. Originally, it was unadorned and frankly looked quite lifelike. After a few helpful comments from passersby (yup - me), they started to up the ante and add other skeletons and accessories to their display. At Halloween, it's quite the sight. They decided to keep the snake year round and with a little nudging, decorations have gone seasonal. Summer is approaching, and they felt their snake would benefit from natty sunglasses. I'm glad to see they are mindful of her health. Mmmm. That's right, we need to name her!

Some take a more classic approach and this is one charming example. A boy and his ball. Given the outfit, it looks like an early twentieth century child.

Decorations don't have to be confined to the ground. These butterflies affixed to a large palm add some bright delight to the blossoms below.

If you're wondering why there is a big metal band near the base of the palm, it's to keep squirrels from going up and nesting in the fronds.

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