Friday, May 3, 2024

Wailing babies -- what to do?!?

Nellie and I walk various neighborhoods and one street has an incredible singer on the block. This singer's repertoire ranges from opera to country. Rock'n'roll classics are also in the mix. Occasionally though, we hear wailing from a distressed child on that block. Question -- does one call Child Protective Services or not? When is it right to intervene? Wringing hands now -- what to do? Well, in this case, it's no mystery and all the neighbors know what's up. 

It's simply Nick, Nellie's best bud, upset because his mom leaves him two days a week for the office, instead of staying home. When he's feeling particularly lonely, he drops the opera and other musical genres for wailing like a distressed baby. The pandemic got many pets used to the routine of having someone home 24/7. Post pandemic has let out the separation anxiety troll for many animals now left behind as working people are required to show up and be counted in person. 

Fortunately for Nick he has Auntie C to the rescue, along with R, his fabulous dog walker. BTW - Auntie C is moi with Nellie by my side. We have the very good fortune of being able (read invited) to go in and distract Nick for a while. Yes, this has been mentioned previously, but what wasn't mentioned is that Nellie does a happy dance when I say we are going to see Nick. Visits translate into multiple treats, head rubs when he'll let us, and maybe, if we are very good, a belly rub. Nick isn't super cuddly, but he is beyond super cute.

As if the previous pic wasn't cute enough, here's his model pose.

Lest you think the worst of Nellie, let me clarify. Her boyfriend is Scotty at the dog park. Her best friend is Nick. Her second best friend is Bert. Her tolerated brother is Rascal. She's one lucky lady to have all these fabulously handsome dudes in her immediate circle.


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