Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cows and goats in town

Just a guess, but it seems highly unlikely you would be seeing cows in a neighbor's front yard if you don't live in a town of a rural nature. Yet, here we are. These are Scottish mini cows happily grazing in a front yard that is decidedly not a farm. They are endearingly sweet.

I'm certainly not opposed to allowing larger animals to reside in suburban settings. After all, when the mini pig craze hit, many town codes were changed to accommodate them. It is imperative, though, they are housed properly, have adequate space, and proper feeding grounds and diets. All too often, the thrill of having such animals means overlooking what is truly best for them.

Adding to the menagerie is an 8 week old goat named DJ. Alas, poor DJ had some tummy issues and wasn't feeling great that day, but with some Fortiflora from a neighbor, is feeling better now.

Again, and I can't stress this enough, these animals need much more than a dog or a cat for accommodations, so don't go thinking they are so cute you want one.

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