Monday, April 1, 2024

Are you realizing there's a theme here?

Let's talk doggie love for just a minute. Now, I don't mean how humans love their fur babies; I mean how doggies love each other. Nellie has a boyfriend. His name is Scotty and he is sweet, beautiful, and utterly ball focused. He pretty much doesn't know Nellie really exists except that he's willing to greet her in the dog park and tolerate her running around after him. Which works out, because Nellie doesn't care about balls at all. Nellie just likes to chase, bark, and herd. It all works.

Here's a double view of Scotty trimmed, and, let's just say, fluffy.

Frankly, I'm not sure which version I like better. He is one handsome dude no matter what. Nellie also has no preference. She just likes to run around with him and let anyone else in the dog park know that he's hers. Today was no exception. Now, here's the really cool part. While Nellie and Scotty are getting their groove on, I get to catch up with a good friend, L. She does the ball throwing, and I occasionally do the poop scooping. Win win.

Here they are just chillin' after some serious fetching: 


Oh, and did I mention that Scotty has the longest tongue in the history of dog kind? It's all part of his considerable charm. 

Just a bit about the location -- the park on one side is overlooked by a major freeway, and that is not a recommendation. On the other hand, we have wondrous views to the north. In this case, if you squint hard enough, you can see the very light dusting of snow at the tip-top of the mountain.*

Even more amazing this year, we have culverts with rushing water -- unheard of during our long drought years. This is the second year of record rainfall. Again, you can barely see it, but yes, there's snow on the mountain.*

*Just a reminder, if you click on the pictures they get bigger.

1 comment:

  1. Scotty looks so different trimmed. And Nellie looks so happy playing with Scotty at the dog park. And I'm amazed how much they love to have their photos taken.
