Friday, April 19, 2024

Lessons in Chemistry

Bonnie Garmus wrote Lessons in Chemistry which was an Apple TV+ miniseries last year. As a frustrated feminist (and no, I'm not even remotely a chemist), this book hit so close to home in so many ways. Even if you watch the TV show, please also read the book. The Divine Ms. M brought it to my attention and I happily put it on hold through Libby. I was 1,632 on the list. You read that right -- over one thousand people were ahead of me for the the multiple copies of the e-book from the library. I was in for a long wait, but no worries, I have other books available to read in the meantime. 

Well, I got lucky. The Library has a jump the line feature which only gives you seven days instead of the normal 14 or 21. I took it. Finished the book in 3 days because I couldn't put it down. While it takes place in the 1950s and early 1960s, so much of what goes on is still prevalent today. And that is soooooo frustrating. The story has dark moments, infuriating scenarios, and uplifting, witty, and humorous passages. My favorite character, as anyone who knows me will understand, is the dog. Six-Thirty is his name and yes, you will have to read the book to find out why. My only criticism, and this could well be because I don't know children that well, is that the daughter of the main character had such an advanced vocabulary and education at age four. While I don't doubt the capabilities of genius children, it made me wonder a bit. That notwithstanding, the book is almost a PERFECT read.


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