Monday, April 15, 2024

Cuteness overload

Our friend E called and asked if we could take care of his little Schipperke Bert for the day. Fortunately for all, Rascal and Nellie like Bert, so it was an easy yes. In fact, when Bert arrived, Nellie did her favorite thing and started zoomies. Naturally I feared for our breakable items in the house, because yes, she started that in the house. Luckily everything survived and it was actually fun to watch them go nuts. 

Bert is sweet, energetic, and completely devoted to his people, so his idea of a good time is to sit guard at the front door where he will bark to warn passersby that he is on duty, or will simply stare at the sidewalk waiting for Dad to come and get him. Of course, we want him to be happy, so we're able to entice him to the backyard or into my lap as I sit at the computer or on the bed. Snuggling is something we don't get with Rascal and Nellie, so it's especially nice when Bert is willing to cuddle. May I present Bert:

We got lucky that today is sunny and all the dogs wanted to get a bit of sunbathing in. First, Bert had to survey the scene to see if he wanted to join in:

Then it was a case of me and my shadow:

And finally nervous Nellie joined in just to show she could:

You'll notice, although they like each other, they definitely do NOT cuddle.

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