Friday, April 26, 2024

Dogs rule

Another day at the dog park and hijinks ensued. First off, Nellie and Scotty certainly have it down. 

Now, you've no doubt noticed Scotty has the longest tongue in the doggie kingdom, and unfortunately he has a habit which only bothers us and doesn't seem to faze him one bit. That habit is biting his tongue and looking a bit like a vampire after a good feed.

While Scotty and Nellie certainly rule the park with Nellie's herding and Scotty's serious attention to ball throwing and fetching, occasionally they allow others to join in the games. Today was a new one. Two dogs who were decked out in very fancy togs joined the melee. We didn't catch their names, but they certainly made an impression. First up is Tee (for t-shirt). He kept giving Nellie looks that I could only interpret as confusion for who she was and what her job at the park might be.

Nellie was trying to make sure Tee was on the up and up the way dogs do. Tee's expression says it all.

Then there's Skirt (because obviously she's wearing a skirt), who wasn't thrilled photos were being taken and she gave a rather baleful glare when I finally got her to hold still. She mellowed somewhat after that.

Lest you think Tee and Skirt are not utterly delightful, let this reassure you.

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