Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Setting the scene

Only an earthquake, nuclear holocaust, zombie apocalypse, or a doctor's appointment would get me up, dressed, and out the door before 10 a.m. Well, maybe as early as 9 a.m. would be acceptable, but not advisable. If people think I'm a cranky old fart at the best of times, you don't want to see me when when coffee and wasting time was not on the menu. 

This morning was one of those mornings where a 7 a.m. departure was required. I set about making it as painless as possible: shower and wash hair the night before, have purse, clothes and appropriate paperwork squared away, planned ahead with long-suffering partner for morning dog walks, and overall felt confident this was going to go smoothly. I'm pleased to say, yes it did. Even the parking garage gods were looking out for me and a spot near the elevator had my name on it. HOWEVER....

Yup, you knew something was going to go awry and I can only blame my lack of research prior to the visit. Any of you ever have a EEG? If you haven't, let me warn you -- it involves a whole lot of goop in your hair. First thing the tech asked me to do was to unbraid my hair and remove the barrettes. Okay. Inconvenient, considering it takes a bit to get the braids just so. Now I haven't been to a hair salon in over 14 years, but I'm guessing parting your hair and using an alcohol wipe to clean an area so you can stick something on your head with seriously sticky goop is not recommended. And it's not just one or two sensors that need to go on, but more like eight. My head looked like squirrels had nested on it when we were all done. For those curious, of course another shower immediately upon arrival home was in order to get the gel out.

Fortunately, the rest of the day went smoothly with our perfect weather, suitable for bathing dogs outside and enjoying the sights of flowers in bloom. This is what spring is supposed to look like:

My friend's garden and I'm envious!

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