Thursday, April 18, 2024

Beautiful blossoms are always welcome

With the past two years of abundant rain, plants that had barely survived the years of drought are making a comeback. Of course, my ignorance of actual flowers definitely shows. Irises I know. Occasionally my brain will store away a plant name if it is unusual enough, like Protea. The reason I remember those blossoms - had to look them up the first time and managed to remember they are from South Africa and represent change and transformation. And then there are the shrubs in neighboring gardens that are just so beautiful, and I haven't a clue what they are. They say ignorance is bliss, so I'm one blissful lady.


Protea in two colors:

I am famous (infamous?) for hating pink. Even as a child I refused to wear or play with anything pink. However, I will make an exception for blossoms or anything in nature. I'm not a total monster. Just love these, whatever they are:

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