Thursday, April 25, 2024

Once you see it, you can't unsee it

As one does while walking dogs, and as a snoopy person who likes to check out gardens and other details as inspiration for my own projects (which admittedly usually stay in the still-thinking-about-it stage), I've passed by this wonderful drought tolerant garden many times. Stopping to take a photo of a particularly well designed section, I suddenly saw IT. Couldn't stop giggling all the way down the street. Make sure anyone under the age of 50 is out of the room. Take a minute. Hint: it's toward the back (click on picture to make it bigger):

Now to get your mind back on planet earth, enjoy the bird of paradise in full bloom:

These are going wild in front of a house that looks abandoned but isn't. Sadly it appears the people living there need help fixing up their property, especially the house. There are times when a magic wand would come in so handy.

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